Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hannah's Senior Session(s)

Hannah was my first senior this year to split her session into 2 days. It was a good thing, because she and her mom had so many great ideas for locations, we spent a lot of time moving from place to place! I am so happy with the end results! Here's Hannah:
Oh, and it was the first time I took pictures of a girl with a gun...well, actually anyone with a gun! :)Love the angle on this one!
Thanks Hannah, for choosing me for your senior pictures!


  1. These pictures are really good. She looks like she is having fun.Good job!!!

    Gena Petro

  2. LOVE the new banner!!!

    Your Hannah is beautiful too(:

  3. My Hannah bunny is beautiful! I cant get over how great these are! I love them Hanster! Jessica you're awesome x10!

  4. Love the one looking through the fence and the one with the sock hat on with the silly smile! That's Hannah!! Great job once again Jessica!

  5. I Hansters pictures! My favorite is the one where she is sitting on the ledge on the brick wall. But, I really love the one where she is standing next to the window that says 'music'
    You're awesome Jessica!
