Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Senior, a deer, and a wild hairdo

(Dontcha love my titles?! ha)
Got another Senior Preview! We had a hard time actually getting this session done, it hailed the day we first were going to do his photos, and it rained the next time, but third time's the charm! It was a very good day for pictures the day we went, and he had come up with a fun new location for some of his outdoor photos. Here is Michael:

Hope you enjoy these pictures, and I will let you know as soon as I get your proof book and online viewing set up. Thanks so much!

This weekend was a crazy but fun one for our family. Some friends of ours, Tyler & Kellie Penn from Decatur came down and spent the weekend with their kids. The guys hunted all weekend (I'm not kidding, they went morning and evening Thurs-Sat) and Kellie and I pretty much hung around the house and chased the kids, talked editing and shopped online! It is always fun to get together with them! Tyler and Johnny didn't get any deer this weekend, but Johnny did get one last weekend, an 8 point buck. Here he is with it!
And here are my brave girls!
I am surprised that touching a dead deer didn't freak them out, but it didn't. They were just fine with it! (I know they look crazy here, but we had just gotten baths and were ready for bed when Johnny called us to have us come see his deer, so we threw on coats and ran outside!)

Speaking of looking crazy, I took some snapshots of Ava's hair when she got out of bed yesterday morning.This last one is the face she makes when you ask to see her dimples! She's so funny!
She has the most insane hairdos when she first gets up! Johnny always says she looks just like my mom on Christmas morning! (Mom has very wild hair when she wakes up too!) And Ava's hair is about the color and texture of my mom's right now! No offense Mom, but I do hope Ava's thickens up! :)
Well, I have loads of work to do, so have a great day!


  1. hey jessica. my name is jessica thompson. yea i know what a coincidence.But anyways, you were our photographer last night at our JILG ceremony,I was the girl with the broken hand I doubt you could've missed me. But I'm just like my mom I'm a procrastinator and I haven't had my senior pictures taken yet. But there's only one problem, my broken hand. I really don't want my cast in my pictures. But I have to have some senior pictures in by december for the year book. So I was wondering if I could possibly work someth in out to where I only have one or two poses and some how work my cast out of the picture, and then maybe later have my actual pictures takin. But I've visted your page several times and I can tell your a very busy lady. So if you could possibly e-mail me back and maybe we could get somethin set up. My e-mail is jesika_thompson45@hotmail.com

  2. Ava's hair is awesome!!! I miss you all. See you like Wednesday nite.

    well next wednesday...

  3. Jessica, I am SO pleased with the pictures you have posted of Michael. If the other proofs are this good, I have no idea how I am going to choose! Thanks so much!! Gina

  4. these are my favorite pictures of ava. the hair is the best! i hope you are doing well! i love you!

  5. hey Jessica, I love those pics of Ava, she is cute no matter what :) And I do love your titles to funny! Hey what is this guys last name? I see alot of your seniors that I knew when they were little but I can't figure out if I know him or not. Can't wait to take our pics! Love ya!
    Jamie P.
