Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Johnny was mowing yesterday and Cohen was dying to get out there with him. Both kids took turns riding with Daddy and then he let them each have a turn "driving". Who knew how much fun that would be for them? Little kids are the best!

These first few are Cohen looking longingly from the porch!

Cohen couldn't walk last summer, and he has only been out in the grass a few times this year due to all the rain, so the grass on his feet is still a funny feeling to him.

I love these kids! I am truly blessed!


  1. Oh my goodness, these are such great pictures! I especially love the black and white one of Cohen and Ava on the mower! You have such beautiful children. :-)

  2. These pictures just made my day--made me laugh and made me cry. Lots of great smiles; so precious! I always have a hard time getting Cohen to smile when the camera comes out. Had to laugh when I saw Ava with boy and girl on the mower. Hope Maddie Kate is over the grouchy spell and doing better at school.

  3. How precious!!! The porch ones are adorable!! Love boy and girl on the mower!! LOL

  4. Oh my word, those pics are just beautiful!
