Thursday, August 21, 2008

The McBride/Vanwey Family

I first met part of this family a few years ago when I did a PTO fundraiser, and I remember thinking that these blond kids were so cute. This time I got to photograph the whole family, parents, Grandma & Grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousins (some of them live in Georgia!) and I met several more cute blondies! Thanks for the opportunity to take your photos! Here are some of my favorites:
This one I told everyone to look at Grandma & Grandpa, and it just made them laugh! I thought it was sweet.Thanks so much!

And for those of you who wanna see a pic of my fat smiley he is!
The other night we were putting the girls to bed, and Ava came to hug Cohen goodnight. She said, "Come here Cohen, give me some love!" Where does she get this stuff? We laugh all the time!


  1. Hey, girl. You captured the McBride/Vanwey family so well!! Great pics! Love the fat cute smiley baby!!

  2. Cohen is such a cutie! Don't you just love when they start to put on some chub!

  3. Love the family pics; but what a sweet Cohen! He's so adorable & sweet - would love to hug and kiss him and the girls!
