Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Senior Rep Pics & Cohen's 3 months old today!

I have another gorgeous Senior rep to show off! After rescheduling her session about 3 times, we finally had a beautiful day for her pictures, and a new location that I had never used before! Which always makes me happy, of course! Here's Paige:

She's so cute, and has the prettiest eyes ever! I have so much fun photographing Seniors! Thanks Paige for doing the Senior Rep thing! I'll have your stuff to you soon!

Today Cohen is 3 months old! I can't believe how fast it's going. He can already push himself backwards with his legs if you lay him on the floor, and he will push until his head runs into something and he has to stop. Then he usually cries about bumping his head! When I was taking some pictures of him last night, I was propping him up on his elbows, and he rolled from his tummy to his back twice. And he has been drooling a lot the past few days, which is making me wonder if he's getting ready to cut some teeth! I didn't think he was old enough for any of that yet! Here are a few of Cohen's 3 month pictures (amazingly early instead of late for once!)

I'm going to make a him a storyboard, but I haven't had time yet. I'll post it when I do.
Have a great evening!


  1. Absolutely love your senior shots.....and your little one is way too cute!!!!

  2. Good job as usual! Love the Cohen pics he is so sweet!

  3. Paigey is soooo pretty! The field and shed turned out good!! Your little man is soooo precious!

  4. Wow her eyes look amazing!

    Cute baby!

  5. Paige's pics are so beautiful!!! I can't beleive Cohen is getting so big, I love the naked baby shot, so sweet.
